That's the way i felt the other day...
I was so angry that anyone would do something purposely to hurt me and my husband. I wanted to explode and say so many things that at the moment would have probably been very hurtful to that other person as well. As I sat there ranting and raving to my husband about how wrong "It" was my husband just looked at me and said "babe, don't worry about it". God blessed me with an understanding, patient husband for a reason, he is the perfect balance to my personality and my life. My heart began to sink and I felt that God was convicting me.
I wanted to march right over to that person and give them a piece of my mind, but I didn't...It was as if God had chained me to where I was sitting to prevent me from being a really awful person. Several years ago, I realized that if God was going to use my life I had to gain control of my tongue, keep my tongue from talking evil, and my lips from speaking deceit, as the psalmist David says. I had a choice. I could hurt people with my words...and i could do that well, or I could bring my lips into subjection to God. Obviously, I wanted to subject to the Lord, but it was still a battle.
I went to my room and my heart continued to fill with sadness, I was sad that someone would hurt us that way and sad at myself for feeling SO angry. I opened my bible and I immediately saw this verse,
Colossians 3:8
But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.
Our words are expressions of our hearts, of whats going on inside of us. As I began to listen to my own words, I also began to learn more about myself. Some of the things I learned did not please me, but did they help me realize that I had a character flaw that needed to be addressed.
Yes I am a Christian, yes I do pray...but I am also human and therefore not perfect. But i also know that I have a choice to make when it comes to matters such as this, and for a moment I let the enemy fill my heart with anger. But God's presence is SO much stronger in my life that God immediately help me diffuse that fire that in another time in my life would have probably spun out of control. Through out the years I have let God teach me about his everlasting love, his forgiveness and mercifulness and I wanted nothing more than to please God...

So I let go of the situation and refuse to let the enemy fill my heart with anger anymore, I choose to forgive, continue to love and forget...
Matthew 5:39
But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.