There has definitely been a lot of ups and downs this last year it has been a year of great growth. God has broke me down, restored me and renewed me in so many ways. I am very grateful for everything that he has shown me in this last short year.
I got to say that I have finally settled in to my job...change is hard and it was SURE hard for me. I had to mold myself and realize that if I was going to succeed I had to make sure that people knew where I stood in my beliefs and do the very best job that I could possibly do. The girl that yelled at me the first week has ended up being a really good acquaintance/teacher, I have gotten to know her and she is very sweet and supportive. She gives me a lot of feed back and she knows I want nothing but to do great job...so now I can go to her when I have a question and she is willing to help me. Funny isn't it?...trust me... a lot of prayer went into that one.
God has also led me to a church called SEVEN this last year, and I have met many amazing people that are now part of my growth. I am most of the time quiet and shy and the personalities at the church have helped me come out of my box. They are amazingly loving people and I always feel at home there. I know that God wanted me to come out of the box I tend to hide myself in and he has placed all those wonderful people around me for that purpose.
I look forward to another year of learning and growth. I have to be patient, I still have a lot of growing to do...
I can't wait! I'm in God's hands! How exciting!!!
In every up and down there is a lesson to be learned and I pray that I don't miss the messages that God is sending me this year...