Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why I Love My Husband

My last week meltdown really brought me down to think of how grateful I am to have my husband. There are many reasons why God brought us together, and many reasons why I love him. I decided to write out a list of reasons why I love my husband including what he does for me to make me happy. I am truly blessed as you will see...

1. He still opens doors for me
2.He rubs my back so I can go to sleep at night
3.He kisses on me even when I am in a bad mood
4.He packs my lunch
5.He always ends his conversations with "I love you"
6.He will go out of his way to make me happy
7.He buys me flowers
8.He is a loving father
9.He laughs at my jokes and I love the way he laughs
10.He encourages me to follow my dreams
11. He forgives me when I am wrong
12.He buys my favorite drinks/snacks for me
13.He calls me randomly just to tell me he loves me
14.He cooks when I don't feel like cooking (without burning the house down)
15.He usually gives me possession of the remote control ;)
16.He willingly watches sappy chick flicks with me
17.He sometimes brushes my hair after the shower
18.He doesn’t complain when I bring him with me to go shopping
19. He helps me raise our daughter…he’s truly a partner
20.He lets me do some different projects to keep me from getting bored around here, and then picks up the pieces for me
21.He ALWAYS takes out the trash
22.He gets really excited when I buy him music
23.He doesn’t need the latest and greatest of everything to stay happy–is committed to trying to keep thing simple as possible so we can just enjoy family.
24.He runs any errand I ask him to without hesitation or complaints
25.He ALWAYS helps me clean the house
26.He loves God
27. He uses his spiritual gifts and likes to serve others and makes me proud.
28.He brings out the best in me
29.He will wake up in the middle of the night just to go get something I am craving.
30.He gets excited about the things that I get excited about
31.When I run out of steam, he picks up and gets going. I love him for that, and don’t deserve it at all.
32.He has such a HUGE positive insight on everything
33.He worships whole-heartedly beside me; how empowering to my faith .
34.He takes me on dates
35.He holds my hand when we go out and about
36.He always praises my cooking
37.He irons my clothes every morning
38.He picks out a coat for me to wear on cold days and help me put it on before I go outside
39.He yells "I love you babe" out the window when he drops me off at work
40.He loves my family and loves to go over to my mom's house
41.He always thinks of others before himself
42.He wakes up early to read his bible EVERYDAY
43.He can't wait to go to church every Sunday
44.He hardly ever says NO to me (sometimes dangerous but fun!)
45.He will willingly take us sky diving even though he is afraid of heights just because he know I want to do it.
46.He cuddles with me
47.He is always willing to help
48.He loves me even when I go crazy
49.He tells me I am funny and that he loves me because of it
50.He always tries to find an opportunity to share the gospel with non-believers

I love him so much.

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