Monday, January 11, 2010


So most of you know that I have a wonderful pre-teen daughter that I love to death...She is for the most part a GREAT kid. She has been going through the pre-teen stuff like talking back and not listening the first time I tell her to do things.
Now being that I am not used to this kind of behavior because I've only had one kid, and my teaching experience is only as far as 5 years old...well it has been a little interesting. So from 5 years of age it all has been a learning experience for all of us, sometimes I do the right thing and sometimes I don't...It's all part of parenting.

I know that there is a gazillion books on parenting and so on and so forth...but the one thing that has been driving me nuts I can't seem to beat. For the last 5 months everything I give my kid to eat she has something to complain about!! what the heck!?? I know I am a good cook and I can make great food...I mean I'm no "Paula Dean" or "Rachael Ray" but I KNOW I can cook. She takes the first bite of ANYTHING on her plate and asks "What did you put on this?" I look at her and say " things"...and then she looks away and says "well it tastes different" then I say "You've had this before...It's NOT cooked any different, and you liked it then"...and then she moves on to argue with me on how she has never had whatever I gave her before and how she is "FULL" all of a sudden... what the heck???!!
I know she is trying not to hurt my feelings by telling me she doesn't like it, but she rather eat processed "macaroni and cheese" and all that other crap that is out there. Where did I go wrong?? I mean this was the girl that loved taking a vegetable medley container to school for snack, she loved vegetables!!! She used to tell her friends to come over to eat because "her mommy's food was so good" She will still eat vegetables but not with any enthusiasm....and let me tell you that I haven't heard her invite her friends over to eat..she rather go to their house and eat :( It makes me so sad...

For the last 5 months I have been doubting myself as a cook. I don't know what else to do for her. The rule at my house is "You don't have to eat it if you don't like it, but you must try it at least twice (2 bites) , If you decide not to eat it Oh well...that's what's for dinner and the kitchen is closed " Do kids taste buds change when the hit puberty or something??? Because I'm assuming that IS what is happening to my kid. Unless I have truly become a horrible cook...
I just pray that God gives me strength to deal with her attitude...

Anyways, there is no point to this blog by the way...I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading.

This is a picture of the "Chicken Piccata" I love to make.


Wes Van Fleet said...

She is going nuts, that's what's wrong lol! Your food always blows me away, so thanks and keep it up!

Tish said...

She'll start appreciating your food once she's in college and she is eating dorm food everyday. I was the same way as her and then I went to collega and couldn't wait to get home to eat my mommy's cooking. It'll get better, Technically you should only have about 3 more years of her complaining. :0) Don't doubt yourself! You're doing AWESOME!!